Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wanna see my cat?

This is Orkid, who we adopted from a rescue organization early in 2003. She has recently developed a penchant for sitting on top of my monitor. Sometimes, she just sits there looking out at the room. Sometimes, she decides to stretch and then lazily leaves a paw or two draped over the side (you know, like boys pretending to stretch and yawn so they can put their arm around a girl's shoulder?), blocking my view of the monitor. She occasionally decides to chase my cursor or whatever else might be moving on the monitor. In any case, if this goes on too long and she doesn't listen to me telling her to stop, she gets squirted with water. Yeah, and it leaves residue on my monitor. I've already decided that when this monitor goes kablooey, I'm going to want a bigger one, and I'll probably get a flat-screen, so she won't be able to sit up there anymore.

She will also sometimes take the opportunity of having me sitting in front of the computer to climb on me. She's not a lap kitty - she's a chest kitty. I've tried to teach her to just be content sitting on my lap, because that way, I can still type and do whatever it is I'm doing on the computer. But because she climbs up on my chest and wants to sit there, she can't do it by herself - having the cat sliding off my chest is a bit weird - so I have to help hold her up with at least one arm, which is not particularly conducive to typing. She likes to have her paws over one of my shoulders, and sometimes, she'll even put her head down on my shoulder. She's so cute and sweet when she does that - how can I say no?

She also has this habit that when it gets late and she wants to go to bed, she will come pester me, mewing at me and climbing on me, pretty much to tell me it's time to go to bed. Now, on days when I'm home during the day, she has no problem napping pretty much all day long without any help, assistance, participation or presence from me, so I don't know why nighttime is different. Or why, after she's been napping all day, she's still so tired at night and wants to go to bed and wants me to go too. But then, there's that cute and sweet thing, not to mention her being persistent and being a PEST, so usually, I eventually end up giving in.

Wanna know more about her? Have a look here.

Night, Orkid.

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