Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is Joe Torre going to bleed Dodger Blue?

OK, so the Yankees are following what they normally do and blaming their manager for what their players aren't doing, and anything short of winning the World Series is complete and utter, unforgiveable failure. So, rather than having the balls to actually fire Joe Torre, they give him a half-ass insulting offer that's designed for him to turn down so they can pretend to take the high road and say that he walked away, not that they fired him. OK, whatever.

And the Dodgers have Grady Little as manager, who has been embattled for some time now. I don't follow the Dodgers as much as I used to, but even I've heard the grumblings from various places about all the bad decisions that Little has made, and the speculation of whether the Dodgers would fire him at any given time. Well, Little resigned tonight. How much of it was voluntary and how much of it was "we'll let you resign to save face instead of firing you, but if you don't resign, we will fire you"? Who knows.

And now, I hear that there's talk that not only are the Dodgers considering hiring Joe Torre, but that they've already talked and a deal has already been made, and they're just waiting a respectable amount of time to formally announce it. So the Dodgers' new manager is going to come here fresh off 12 years with the hated Yankees? Wow! Of course, I still don't really associate Torre with the Yankees. I'm still remembering him from his days managing the Atlanta Braves in the early 80s, when I was really into baseball. Yeah, I know, serious time warp there.

Well, I did forgive Dusty Baker for being the manager of the other hated Giants, so who knows.

But I can't even begin to entertain the thought of Alex Rodriguez being a Dodger.

[cue exploding head]

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