There are a lot of really cute pics, but here are a few of my favorites.
With a new Smurfs movie being released this year, this Smurfy Kitty seems very apropos now.

And who says only boys can be Space Rangers?

Mickey Kitty!!!!

There are a few Star Trek pics, but I like the Spock one best.

And of course, if there's Star Trek, there's gotta be Star Wars too, right? These are my faves of the group.

There are also a number of pics in other franchises (like X-Men and Watchmen) as well as comic book characters, other well-known characters from various media and just random fun.
But. I think this one is my absolute favorite.

Make sure to go to the actual page where this pic is housed (just click on the pic) to read the description/disclaimer. It's funny.
Hello Kitty is taking over the world!
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